
Feast your eyes on My feminine hand-made hott!-spiral. your senses relish a sex hungry Goddess who’s good [and bad girl] enough to lick ambrosia off of. Keep up and obey My mouthwatering commands.

20+ Minutes, 156 Meg


Feast your eyes on My AMBROSIA Video

Sliced oranges and bananas, flaked coconut, and pineapple. Yummy!
Master chef Emerald may put all these ingredients in his version of the mouthwatering dessert ambrosia.

Ha! Good? Yes. But not hot enough! Here’s a few titillating delicacies in My AMBROSIA video.

First, you will keep your tiring eyes on an entrancing spiral literally made with My very own feminine hand.

Second, after you entrancing surrender to this spiral, there’s a sensual fantasy a-brewing that reveals why many of your taste buds will find My AMBROSIA video decadently delicious.

Third, AMBROSIA shows off a sex Goddess who’s good enough [and bad girl enough] to eat ambrosia off of!
And she’s got enough life {and other fine assets} to last both of you for as long as you can keep up.

AMBROSIA magnifies your obedience to My velveteen voice’s every suggestive command to you.
your eyes, ears, and fingertips will tell you how much AMBROSIA is the video they hunger for!

20+ Minutes – $21.99





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