Harmonious EROTIC Hypnotism

28+ Minutes, 219 Megabytes


Yes, my dazzled devotee, some of your wildest AHIM special dreams can soon come true!  Read on….

*One raven-haired sex kitten coupled with another exotic bombshell are in HARMONY with your desire to watch attractive women.

*Lovely rings and soothing music are in HARMONY with your deeper and deeper slip sliding into sleeeeepier wonderizing trances.

*More than one induction and more than one beautiful woman intimately and intensely attending to your lascivious self are in HARMONY with timelessly suggestive postwonderific suggestions.

* Self-pleasuring, being virtually pleasured by a wonderized, wonderizing babe, and the wonderific happiness-induced mesmerizing memories of all those FEELINGS that make being genuinely in love just the best thing ever are in HARMONY with arousing your senses and stimulating your self.

Resting in Harmonious EROTIC Wonderizm with this VIDEO will enhance our relationship in marvelously sensuous ways and tantalizingly wonderful satisfactions!”

28+ Minutes, 219 Megabytes


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