Pleasuring ‘My Michelle’

Pleasuring ‘My Michelle’


Michelle is a very sexy college student who took a passionate and an immediate interest in Wonderism! This clip is a composite of my first few sessions with Michelle, including a powerful candle induction, and a session where I gave her a special *Trigger Word* and then used it to create PLEASURE! Finally, I took Michelle on a Wonderific Journey to her favorite beach. Watch her NOW as she tries the most erotic tanning lotion in the world! Available COMPLETE for the very first time…

Because this is one of My earlier video creations, its resolution is not as
high as is often found in more recently made videos.
The audio content of all My mesmerizing masterpieces is clear, crisp, and
ready for wonderifically hypnotizing you.
In My videos, I employ visuals to attract your eyes but the auditory
allurement is always my main focus of fascination.
In all My relaxation arousal [in recordings, by telephone, via Skype, and
more] My sultry, signature voice voluptuously entrances you to Me. 🙂

17+ Minutes! 65 megs

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