Hangover Hypno-Cure

Hangover Hott!-Cure


“My, my Mr. Wildman! You were quite the party animal and stud last night! My girlfriend Lillith and I spent most of last evening trying to calm you down, but you just kept getting UP… Over, and over again… My, oh my…

Well, we know your world must be rocking this morning, so we came up with a special ‘hypno’ hangover remedy… Just sit back, relax, and follow my seductive voice… Then, Rise and shine, and enjoy my special wake up call…

Because this is one of My earlier video creations, its resolution is not as
high as is often found in more recently made videos.
The audio content of all My mesmerizing masterpieces is clear, crisp, and
ready for wonderifically hypnotizing you.
In My videos, I employ visuals to attract your eyes but the auditory
allurement is always my main focus of fascination.
In all My relaxation arousal [in recordings, by telephone, via Skype, and
more] My sultry, signature voice voluptuously entrances you to Me. 🙂

Please note: The model used in the “Cover” image for this video is not the
same model who performs in the video. The “Cover”s for illustrative purposes only.

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