Sleep Therapy (a Subtle Seduction)  by Goddess Marquesa


             “Many people suffer from insomnia, and many others sleep too few hours each night.  And all too few of us fully appreciate the restorative power of sleeepSleep not only allows the body and mind to restore themselves, to “charge the batteries,” but, somehow, during sleepdeep sleep — is when the body at rest does most of its healing.  Also keep in mind — ‘Sleep that knits up the raveled sleeve of care [Shakespeare, Macbeth].’  So sleep, good sleep, a DEEEP SLEEEP, is critical to our well being.  Emotionally as well as physically.  One surgeon says we neeed at least EIGHT (8) hours of sleep each night.  Preferably uninterrupted sleep.”

             “I provide SLEEP therapy (in more ways than one) 😉

 My therapeutics are drug-free — organic — and time tested.  Through My treatment, clients achieve DEEEP REELAXXation.   I firmly believe that ONLY by Relaxxxing, relaxxxing both body AND MIND, can one attain anything like a pleasant, reinvigorating, restorative, healing SLEEEP!!  Anyone can, and most people do, take selected chemicals — which we call medicines — sometimes over-the-counter, sometimes by prescription — to help themselves SLEEP!, but these chemicals — many of them extremely toxic — often produces harmful, long-lasting side effects that stress or weaken the body and mind, and cause the body and the mind much more long-term harm than good.  Additionally, some of these chemicals are..addictive — And, I believe, they’re deliberately designed to be that way — and so, once the mind-body system adjusts and becomes used to them, it cannot function without them.  In contrast, MY unique system of de-stressors contains no such chemicals, so the unfavorable, addictive side effects produced by medicines do not accompany MYYY therapy.  MYY therapy integrates the sight, hearing and sensory modalities into the meridians of the body, organically, without the use of harmful drugs.”

              “Another beneficial aspect of MYY program is a more pleasant dream life.  As stressors are removed, the incidence of nightmares and bad dreams declines, even..FAADE COMPLEETELY, because the emotional incentive for them to emerge during SLEEP! disappears.  So dreams become happier, and more productive.  Some clients even report that they..DREAAM OF MEEE!!, and EYYE am happy to say that all these dreams have been happy dreams!  

A few reveal that they DREAM OF MEEE over and over.”  

              BUT –  hypnosis is only one arrow in the quiver of MYY therapeutic training program.  By itself, it’s no substitute for an integrated program of.. training mind and body to achieve DEEEP RELAXXation, to be able to attain in and day out, not only on a good day, but, especially, on a really challenging day.  I begin by a general “cleansing,” if you will, cleaning out, draining ALLLL the pent up worry, anxiety, anger, tension, angst — in other words, stress — anything and everything that causes the mind and body to function in a way it wasn’t designed for.  This entails letting go, JUSST LETTING GO!!..of all negative spiritual and emotional baggage…hang-ups and grudges, toxins which only serve to corrode the psyche and soul like acid. I also identify and remove energy blockages in the system, so that positive energy can flow freeely and uninterrupted.  

              Another source of sleep deprivation can be chronic pain, which sometimes stems from some trauma, a really deeep trauma, sustained long ago, even in early childhood.  Clearly, an important part of this therapeutic process is to uncover and deal with the root cause of these traumas and blockages.  I’ve become extreemely successful in identifying such blockages and dealing with them.  Once they have been dealt with, I can then TOTALLLY REELAXXX THE MIINND!!, which is free to RESPOND..TO MYY THERAPY, and then RELAXXXX THE BODDY, totally RELAXXing it so that ALLLL THE MUSCLES AND JOINTS are..compleetely RELAXXXed, free from tension.  Then the entire physical vessel is completely tension-free.   Clients like to just recline and REELAXX as I go through this process, some with eyes open, but most SIMPLY CLOSE THE EYES, BLISS OUT AND JUSST LISSTEN TO, CONCENTRATE..ON MYYY VOICE as I work them into their training program.  Migraine headache sufferers report that, after My therapy, their headaches become less intense, less frequent, and finally JUST FAAADE away. As the body and MIND become more accustomed to Myy therapy, they react more and more swiftly and acutely with successive sessions.  So much so that some clients relate that when we meet again, the mere sight of Me, the seemingly simple..touch of Myy handshake or sometimes a hug, and..especially..the sound of My voice, allll these direct physically present communications with MEE seem to place a state of blissful, stress-free REST, a condition most conducive to coming along more rapidly with My programming them.  Because of this acquired tendency to enter this blissful state..spontaneously

            Myy clients can — and often do — come again back more to ME for “Booster Sessions” any time they want; in fact, whenever they feeel the need for one, I encourage them to do so.  

The good thing about these follow-up sessions, from My perspective, is that because, with repetitive treatments, returning clients respond more and more swiftly, more and more acutely to Myy unique programming and therapy. 

Picture of Goddess Marquesa

Goddess Marquesa

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