Entrancing Sensations

I hott!-compel fun-loving, hot! blonde Madison Monroe to seduce you. A see-through black chiffon baby doll nightie, well-developing your senses , and masturbating enhance My entrancing you!

31+ minutes, 242 Meg



Accomplished, profoundly deaf, Scottish percussionist Evelyn Glennie at most hears little of the exceptional music she makes. Amongst other things, Ms. Glennie magnificently performs with renowned musicians and orchestras from an impressive assortment of musical traditions.

My pet slave, you know it’s correct for you to bow down to Me. “Giving Evelyn Glennie (and each truly superior woman you are ever privileged to encounter) the respect, admiration, and other things she deserves is also the right thing for you to always do.” Thus commandeth Goddess Marquesa!

Evelyn Glennie has developed her sense of touch to a very high degree. Evelyn reveals that creativity and persistence are traits a superior woman uses to transform difficulties in her life into opportunities for success, PLEASURE, and other delights.

So you wonder…Why do I mention the above in relation to My ENTRANCING SENSATIONS video description? I’ll tell you…

Many believe, “Blondes have more fun.” you’ll enjoy much more than a mesmerized mind’s eyeful of the adult fun-loving, hot-bodied babe you’ll crystal clearly see in ENTRANCING SENSATIONS. And I certainly had fun compelling the blonde you’ll dream of to do what you’ll see! hear! and feel! in ENTRANCING SENSATIONS.

Don’t even try covering up your passionate pleasures from reveling in this video over again and again. As I see through your resistance, you’ll certainly see through this sexy kitten’s see-through baby doll!

your sense of touch may not be as well-developed as Evelyn Glennie’s is. But….Each time you entrancing surrender to ENTRANCING SENSATIONS, exercising your tactile sense will drive you wild and out of your mind!

Only $25.99

31+ minutes





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