focusing your senses on an attractive woman wearing sensuous panties… a repeated set of enthralling and oh so entrancing phrases I recorded in My special Dream Voice.

40 Minutes, 18 Megabytes


Is one of the six spectacularly arousing audios in My MASTURBATION SERIES!

This completely captivating audio is excitingly delicious. PANTY PLAYTHING is 40min. long and is composed of a repeated set of enthralling and oh so entrancing phrases I recorded in My special Dream Voice.

No entrancing inductions are involved. However, PANTY PLAYTHING and the other Masturbation Companion recordings are just as powerful and sweetly addictive as any of My other Hott!-Erotic releases!

Sit back, relax, and interactive listen to My mesmerizing WORDS OF SEDUCTION and my honey-dipped voice while you watch erotic movies or gaze upon your favorite actress, model or erotic star over the internet or in a magazine! PANTY PLAYTHING reminds you how much focusing your senses on an attractive woman wearing sensuous panties can animal magnetize you!

40 Minutes


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