The Plan

16+ Minutes, 126 Megabytes


“Hi Darlin – Check out my plan. I mean my latest video called – “”THE PLAN.”” It’s 16 minutes long and it features my new blonde hypno-babe Madison. In case you didn’t already know…I taught her everything she knows! 😉

Dear, Krystal:

I’m a beautiful girl living with my boyfriend. I want to spend more time with him. All he does is have sex with me (I like that) and watch baseball games. I’ll do anything to fix this. Help?

Wanton World Series Widow

Dear, Wanton World Series Widow:

Here’s THE PLAN that’ll make things better. Show your baseball-loving lover what he’s missing.

THE PLAN is a vivacious video featuring: twinkling lights, hypnotizing hedonism, high tech high jinks, and a beautiful babe’s self-stimulating massage so stimulating it grand slams you with passion-pumping pleasures knocking you out of the park.

Why sit in the bleachers? Join in THE PLAN.”

16+ minutes, 126 Megs


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